Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and energy hindering conditions like anemia, which seriously inhibit energy levels. Blackstrap molasses have long been used as a folk cure for constipation and other digestive issues. The best time to drink the mixture is early morning and one should take it on empty stomach for maximum therapeutic benefits. Health benefits of blackstrap molasses Due to its high vitamin and mineral content, blackstrap molasses has been recognized to provide the following healing properties to the end user: Helps prevent or relieve iron deficiency – a significant source of iron, blackstrap molasses can help those who are anemic (including pregnant women). Molasses took Europe by storm following the conquest of the West Indies. Molasses health benefits includes supporting healthier bones, relieving acne, combatting frizzy hair, maintaining healthy nervous system, preventing fatigue and headaches and treating osteoarthritis. Manganese helps the body fight free radical damage to cells and DNA. Colon Health Blackstrap molasses is a very good source of calcium, which helps cleanse the colon of toxins. Journal of Ethnopharmacology: "A Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Trial to Evaluate Efficacy of Oral Administration of Black Strap Molasses (Sugarcane Extract) in Comparison With Polyethylene Glycol on Pediatric Functional Constipation. If you want to try blackstrap molasses for its health benefits, try. And one tablespoon has only 42 calories. Blackstrap molasses benefits are used as a home remedy for centuries to ease or prevent PMS – a condition that affects up to three out of every four women. Blackstrap molasses is obtained during the third boiling of the cane syrup and contains a unique concentration of many important vitamins and minerals left over after the sugar’s sucrose is crystallized. Collagen helps with gut health and is beneficial for skin and hair. A tablespoon of blackstrap molasses has: 60 Calories: 60. Selenium deficiency can lead to these and other health conditions. The Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses. One of the biggest benefits of potassium is on the heart. Blackstrap molasses contains much higher levels of many of these nutrients than regular molasses, especially when it comes to iron content. Calcium is often associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Good for the blood. Here are more health benefits: © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. Blackstrap molasses has the highest nutrient content among the various types of molasses. This rich nutritional profile makes blackstrap molasses a highly regarded super food and popular dietary supplement. Iron plays a vital role in energy production, transporting oxygen in the blood. Today, molasses is most commonly used in cookies or for pancake syrup. It assists blood circulation and facilitates calcium distribution to central nervous syste… By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Potential Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses, Becoming a Vegetarian: Foods to Choose From. 15 Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses Cancer Prevention. Potassium is essential to maintaining good cardiovascular health and improving bone density. Blackstrap molasses is rich in a variety of essential minerals including iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and potassium as well as the majority of the vitamin B complex, deficiencies of which confer a major cancer risk. Weight Loss Blackstrap molasses provides many vitamins and minerals and boosts energy while containing zero fat and very few calories. Low sugar is a benefit in and of itself, but blackstrap molasses offers up other health benefits when consumed, like aiding against iron deficiency anemia. Very Good Source of Potassium One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides about 14.5% the DV of potassium. The most important health benefits of blackstrap molasses include its ability to reduce anxiety and stress, regulate diabetes, strengthen bone mineral density, prevent inflammation, and reduce signs of aging, and potential to prevent cancer among others. For example, blackstrap molasses contains copper, a mineral that stimulates the production of collagen. You can avoid osteoporosis and other bone related diseases by adding necessary minerals and vitamins to … But ironically, this comes with a host of health benefits. Prevention of cancer. Blackstrap Molasses is LIKELY SAFE for most people. Dark Molasses as a Remedy for Premenstrual Syndrome. Here are 15 health benefits of blackstrap molasses: Cancer Prevention Anecdotal evidence and numerous testimonials suggest that blackstrap molasses may play a role in cancer prevention and the treatment of certain types of cancer. Some health officials are wary of molasses for cancer treatment due to its high iron and sugar content, which is believed to enable cancer proliferation. This results in less lipids or fats being stored in the liver while reducing your diabetes 2 risk factor. Sweet foods can be delicious, but having too much refined sugar can lead to serious long-term health issues. Potassium deficiency is also associated with an increased risk of arthritis. Blackstrap molasses, in particular, offers several health benefits alongside its rich, complex flavor. Molasses is a dark, thick liquid extracted during the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar. If you're concerned about your blood sugar, an alternative to blackstrap molasses is Stevia. This nutrient is beneficial for central nervous system, promote mood stability, enhance brain function and improve focusing ability. Blackstrap molasses also provides vitamin B6, which plays a key role in energy production. B vitamins, calcium and magnesium each play a role in combatting stress and anxiety, and blackstrap... 3. Other benefits includes healing burns and minor injuries, boosting energy levels, treating constipation, alleviating blood pressure, easing menstrual discomfort and reducing fat accumulation. ", Mayo Clinic: “Bone Health—Tips to Keep Your Bones Healthy," "Iron Deficiency Anemia. These minerals promotes bone health in the body. Other health benefits of blackstrap molasses include the following: It can help prevent Stomach & Digestive Problems Anecdotal evidence suggests that blackstrap molasses may help with stomach and digestive problems. It has also been associated with shrinking cancerous tumors. Everyone knows that calcium is needed for strong bones, but not everyone knows the importance that... 2. It’s good for your bones and teeth, helps with constipation, prevents iron … It can help your digestion. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. However, some studies involving mice have shown that taking molasses can benefit the male reproductive system. Iron plays a critical role in blood and cell function and is essential to energy production. High In Iron Just one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides nearly 20% of the DV of iron. Good Source of Vitamin B6 One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides 7.5% the DV of vitamin B6. Some testimonials have suggested combining blackstrap molasses with baking soda for cancer to good effect. Anecdotal evidence and numerous testimonials suggest that blackstrap molasses may play a role in... Antioxidant Protection. Bone Health Blackstrap molasses provides many of the daily nutrients needed to help keep the bones healthy and strong, including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and copper. A tsp of BSM before bed is a relaxing thing! It is also rich with vital nutrients, where cane sugar offers only fattening carbohydrates. Blackstrap molasses, which is a thick, dark syrup is made when sugar cane plants are processed to make sugar. In fact just a few teaspoons of this delicious syrup contains around 10% of your recommended daily allowance. More importantly, it can aid energy production because it helps replenish the body’s storage of iron. Blackstrap molasses benefits are fantastic and it’s a great homeopathic addition for anyone looking to increase their Iron intake. The blackstrap molasses benefits are really too many to be counted.