Some of the best insects for tokay gecko food include premium Dubia roaches, mealworms, waxworms, hornworms and silkworms. Don’t be too worried about the intense color of the Tokay gecko because this is not poisonous. IN captivity, Tokay geckos are often fed with live crickets and mealworms (Tokay geckos are hunters and prefer eating live food, which of course, a way to mimic their natural way of life). For instance, a gravid female may need to eat more crickets than non-gravid females to meet their nutritional needs for them to lay healthy eggs. However, before you finally decide to buy your first Tokay gecko, there are a lot of important things you need to know about these lovely creatures – especially the food they eat. Don't try to feed too large a prey item to your Tokay. Because of the rapid deforestation in the tropics where these arboreal lizards live, Tokay geckos are forced to live near human habitation making the dark corners of the houses their home and preying on cockroaches and other insects and smaller preys. Crickets are not the healthiest, but they’re the easiest to … In Southeast Asia it is a symbol of good luck and fertility. If you do plan to bring home a Tokay Gecko anytime soon, make sure that you look for local ones bred in captivity. However, there are instances that some gecko owners feed their geckos with canned or frozen crickets for several reasons. Tokay geckos eat small vertebrates if they have the chance or were lucky on their hunt. Some common prey includes beetles, ants, spiders, and other insects. They make excellent sources of nourishment for captive Tokay geckos, as they contain high nutrients, very affordable and they are nocturnal too! Feeding A Tokay Gecko Blue and Red Tokay Gecko. Pinkies or small mice and wax worm maybe given under close moderation. They may also eat small rats, mice and snakes. They usually have high protein and fat content and are highly addictive for geckos which may lead to obesity. Are Tokay geckos poisonous? Although leopard geckos eat various types of food in the wild, it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily safe to feed them random insects and worms that might be laying, crawling, or flying around outside. Read This Before You Leave Your Tokay Gecko at Home, Top 5 Reasons Why Tokay Gecko is NOT the Best Pet for You. Large individuals can even consume small vertebrates, like mice or birds.

Remember to prep the fruits before offering them to your pet. Tokay geckos are not picky eaters. Read This Before You Leave Your Tokay Gecko at Home, Top 5 Reasons Why Tokay Gecko is NOT the Best Pet for You. So what did I do? Tokay geckos may be harvested from the wild in Indonesia under a quota system. In the wild, a leopard geckos diet will usually consist of large spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and sometimes even other smaller lizards. In captivity, some Tokay gecko owners offer their pet pre-killed pinky mice (frozen pinkies from stores) as occasional treat. Beetle and caterpillar larvae often fall prey for wild Tokay geckos. They eat grasshoppers, butter worms, mealworms, crickets, among other small insects. These geckos primarily eat invertebrates, including moths, locusts, grasshoppers, beetles, cockroaches, termites, crickets, mosquitos and spiders. Similarly, crested geckos generally eat a mix of insects and powdered crested gecko food. Because of this growing demand, among the main concern of pet owners and breeders is the adequate supply of food. These vertebrates offer good amount of protein for Tokay geckos. As a result they don’t get the maximum nourishment they need. In the wild, Tokay geckos have a variety of options when it comes to their food. Moths and other insects flutter to lighted windows and light fixtures in the evening, making the perfect hunting ground for geckos. In short, geckos are insectivorous. They are good hunters, and eat almost every insect they catch during their hunt including smaller animals like mice, and small birds, Tokay geckos are among the most in demand reptile in the pet trade today. In the wild, Tokay geckos have a variety of options when it comes to their food. An adult male can grow around 14 inches. Instead, the eyes of a tokay gecko are covered with transparent scales. At the time, my mom didn't know anything about tokay geckos and she said, if you get straight As on your report card, I'll let you get one as a pet. This breeding season is marked by increasing daylight hours and rains. They are not fussy about what they eat, and will mostly consume whatever they can get ahold of. Geckos eat mosquitoes, flies, beetles, dragonflies, cicadas, ants, wasps, butterflies and crickets. It’s very important that their food is alive. Because of this growing demand, among the main concern of pet owners and breeders is the adequate supply of food. And when I was a kid, when I was 10-years-old, I wanted one of these as a pet more than anything. However, these insects need to be gut loaded before you give them to … Now the tokay gecko has long been one of my favorite lizard species. In captivity they do well on a mix of crickets, mealworms, roaches, waxworms, hornworms, silkworms and small mice. Some adult geckos can occasionally be fed a pinky mouse. Tokay geckos have very sensitive eyes that help them hunt at night. In the wild, Tokay geckos breeding season begins in spring and last several months. Tokay geckos have very sensitive eyes that help them hunt at night. Pet geckos can also move quickly, making it easy for them to slip away. However, if they are farmed, they don’t fall under that quota system. Tokay geckos are very enthusiastic about eating insects and even eat small lizards in the wild. Males are larger than females and may live long in the wild than in captivity. In the wild, they eat smaller geckos, lizards, young tree frogs, mice or pinkies and nestling birds. Insects have high iron, B vitamins and protein value needed to supply energy and maintain a healthy body. We recommend gut loading your insects to ensure you are providing the essential nutrients for the optimum health of the crickets and … In the wild, leopard geckos eat other small lizards, insects, and arachnids. Tokay geckos use their strong jaws to crack the tough exoskeletons of rainforest insects. Diet of the Tokay Gecko. Geckos will eat just about any insect as long as it is alive and they can catch it. In the wild, Tokay geckos have a variety of options when it comes to their food. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Tokay geckos should breed with little or no encouragement, if they are in good health. You need to take care of that your leopard gecko is getting all the nutrients it needs to spend their day actively and normally like they do in the wild. When it comes to feeding a Tokay Gecko, you’re in luck. Mealworms, silkworms, superworms and waxworms are the most common larvae fed to captive Tokay geckos. Mealworms are hard to digest because of their hard exoskeleton while superworms have better digestibility, but may be too big for young Tokay geckos. It is possible that there was a shortage in supply of live crickets (due to disease outbreak, or any other pressing events that may have affected the breeding of these feeder insects), or the gecko is undergoing treatment that it cannot be introduced to live prey. In the wild, tokays primarily feed on small insects and animals. Tokay geckos have no eyelids. In the wild, tokay geckos breeding season begins in spring and last several months.