7. You can focus on the request or leave it after you are done with the main storyline. Players will obtain a special Stranger Mission to hunt down Legendary Animals. In this RDR2 Hunting Requests Guide, we are going to talk about what you need to complete these quests and their locations. Perfect Skunk Carcass They are present everywhere on the map. These were all the Hunting Requests that you can complete in RDR2 as an optional activity in the game. Share. I'm not totally sure why, I've never been hunting in real life and have no interest in it. Without these mentioned requirements, you will not be able to get the reward for these hunting requests. But when I go to a post office, theres no I also loved the hunting in RDR2. Hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is an activity which involves killing wildlife, and can be performed as a means of survival, or simply for sport. A Hunting Request is always the same, regardless of the place in which you found it. Cardinals and Woodpeckers and very easy to find. 5. Dreamcatcher 0. They are in post offices or train stations in Valentine, Rhodes, Strawberry, Saint Denis, Van Horn, and Armadillo. Hunting requests will be unlocked once you've entered Chapter 2 of the main story in Red Dead Redemption 2. Once you finish that request, the next request will automatically be added to your satchel. Perfect Beaver Carcass, The Cedar Waxwing is another very common bird, it isnt that hard to find one. level 1. Molly: Pocket Mirror (Chapter 3) The often ignored Molly will approach Arthur in chapter 3 and talk In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can find a poster for a hunting request in any of the 5 Train Station or Post Office. The Blue Jay can be found near the middle of the map, close to water. Perfect Bat Carcass I at chapter 4 now, still not yet get my rewards, and don't know how can do my Hunting Request #5. Grave 0. Plant 0. Robins can be found in an area on the north-east part of the map. If you can get these and sent them to her, you will receive a reward. I beat the game. More information can be found on one of the pages in this guide. I'm just wondering how common it is. Try the river on the. They are in post offices or train stations in Valentine, Rhodes, Strawberry, Saint Denis, Van Horn, and Armadillo. The following are the carcasses that you need and the rewards that you can get. Dinosaur Bone 0. Original Poster 2 years ago. Bats are found in caves, like the one behind the waterfall of Elysian Pool. So, I have already completed the whole Story and I'm now looking for those collectibles and one of them, is Hunting Requests, which I've yet to trigger since it's currently unknown. Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. It will be the same no matter which one you opt for. Walkthrough Part I. Perfect Oriole Carcass Objective: One cedar waxwing, one bat, one blue jay, one crow, one beaver (all carcasses must be in perfect condition). Perfect Crow Carcass Here we are going to talk about which animal carcasses you need, their potential locations and the rewards for fulfilling these RDR2 Hunting Requests. In-Depth RDR2 Hunting Guide: Perfect Pelts and Legendary Animals. Crows are extremely common. Theyre not enormous birds which can make them tricky to spot, even if you can hear them. save. Perfect Rat Carcass Squirrels and Rabbits are the most commonly found animals in the game. Beavers like to live around rivers and lakes. level 2. Remember, all carcasses must be in perfect condition. I read in powerpyx's guide that if you already have any of the necessary carcasses for the next hunting request in your inventory, the challenge may not trigger after you complete the current request. Hunting requests. Besides that, you will also unlock It's Art trophy. Objective: One cardinal, one rat, one woodpecker (all carcasses must be in perfect condition). A Hunting Request is always the same, regardless of the place in which you found it. Do note that these carcasses need to be perfect which means that you need to track animals of pristine quality and kill them with perfect kills. Each one of them requires you to hunt different animals. You can complete the first 4 right as you get them, or wait until post-game to do them all. Here are some tips to help you Lets see if it works. ". Songbirds and Sparrows are very common, they can be found pretty much anywhere on the northern part of the map. Objective: One songbird, one sparrow, one toad, one bullfrog, one skunk (all carcasses must be in perfect condition). share. So when I hit the button to pull up my missions list, the dreamcatchers, hunting request, cigarette cards, and dinosaur bone quests are still there and not checked off in the completion menu even though I finished them. For hunting request #3 you have Oriole twice. As per Rockstar support request, these are the locations of fixed positions where first hunting request poster should appear, but never did. This is great. Lindsey Wofford Hunting Request 2. Hunting requests. Orioles are only found in some specific places in the middle of the map.