It was introduced & the word “Key Note” was coined by Dr. Guernsey. H) Comparative Materia medica:- “Homoeos” means “Similar”, “Pathos” means “Suffering”. Attitude of the patient and body language of the patient, behaviour assessment of the patient these depends completely upon the prescriber’s observations. ii) A manual of pharmacodynamics – R.Hughes. Study & construction of Homoeopathic Materia Medica- building a portrait of artificial Action etc. Back at the time of Dr. Hahnemann & susceptibility of people now is total change. He was a busy as a practioner in his own clinic in London and as a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital. - WELCOME HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES AND IMMUNITY We get sick not just because of micro organisms. Human being are susceptible to infection is totally change. 4. ‘Repertory is an aid to Materia Medica’. Comparing and contrasting are two methods necessary for deciding an appropriate remedy. Construction of Materia Medica Pura: We have to distinguish one drug from another drug by studying their points of difference and points of similarity, this can only be done by repeated comparative study of different drug and repeated comparative study of single drug by different authors and repeated comparative study of a particular disease or disorder of different drugs by their characteristic symptoms or distinguished symptoms. A) Schematic Materia Medica : The symptoms obtained during proving are arranged as per the anatomical schema (Head to Foot) – 1st introduced by Dr. Hahnemann in his “Materia Medica Pura” ((1811-1821) with 64 drugs). After him many individuals, like Dr. Hering and thus a vast, real vast materia medica for homoeopathy was created. Ex:- children types – Douglas. Give different types of Materia Medica? Developmental history of homoeopathy. (Keynotes to leading remedies). Anyway, the study of Materia Medica is almost half the armamentarium of the homoeopathic physician. Proving of Polychrest remedies at 200 yrs back on healthy human being, in present era human being suffered from one or other disease means dimension on health goes down. They are helpful to some extent in selection of an appropriate remedy. By this means one can get the idea of the pathological symptoms produced by the medicine. Repertory is a valuable help as it is an index, a catalogue of the symptoms of the Materia Medica, neatly arranged in a practical form and also indicating the relative gradation of drugs. A homeopathic materia medica is a reference guide to homeopathic medicines, which describes individual drugs and the symptoms that they may address. If we look back to the history of material medica, an evolution takesplace in presenting materia medica by different authors. Here each drug is studied organ wise. As drugs have been proved on human beings, the exact sensation, location, modality and concomitants are collected, so there occurs no such difficulty in choosing the nearest similimum. Ex:- i) The new comprehensive system of materia medica & therapeutics – Dr. Hempel. Method of combine study But by studying the chemistry of the drugs we can get some idea of its action on the body. KEY WORDS: Homoeopathic Prescribing, Harvey Farrington, Symptomatology . Different authors have written various types of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. We get a wide range of symptoms from one person to another during proving. Reviews There are no reviews yet. 4. To him it is a labour of unflagging interest and love., wherein he lives and almost has his being. 5. Practitioners rely on two types of reference when prescribing. Gelsemium – Dr Ronak Chauhan. Susceptibility is the fundamental attributes of life. The drug prepared from the yellow flowers of Chelidonium acts well in jaundice. EVOLUTION OF MATERIA MEDICA Foreign Homoeopathic Materia Medica Thus, Materia Medica, Repertory and Organon form the “Trinity of Homoeopathic System of Medicine”, having Organon as the base. So we need Reproving pf Polychrest Remedies. Since then, numerous homeopathic practitioners have written Materia Medica. The construction of homoeopathic Materia medica is different as compared to Materia medica of other system of medicine (Chinese, ayurvedic, allopathic etc). Write sources: construction: contribution of Dr. Hahnemann for construction Materia Medica Pura? Homoeopathy is a medical science based on the law of similia similibus curanter, Homoeopathic science is based on individualization in which prescription is done on the basis of … The drug prepared from the plants which flower in summer will be producing an aggravation in the summer season. –H.C.Allen. Desire to lie down all the time. Silica and Mercurius,China and Psorinum,Apis and Rhus Tox. There are also drugs which present marked similarity in action though dissimilar in origin which are said to be concordant like Puls and Silicea. Dr. Hahnemann called his materia medica MATERIA MEDICA PURA – because it contains the pure effects of the drugs as observed on healthy human beings of different ages and both the sexes. It has six volumes. (2) Proving on Healthy Animals – In this we can get few objective symptoms up to some extent. This type of study makes the drug very easy to understand. the ink of cuttle fish is essentially melanine. Members of the Austrian society ha started proving and reproving of the drugs as their own way and published these valuable provings in a journal published by Austrian society (1842 – 1846). (a) Picture type of Method – In this type of method one can understand and grasp the knowledge about drug very easily because drug symptoms are presented through the picture, by this Materia Medica becomes very much comprehensive and easy to study. ... Evolution of Homoeopathic repertories and repertorization Dr.Jugal Kishore. 200 yrs back people was lived in pre healthy environment. The Repertorial method provides an easy and simple way of studying, comparing, differentiating and memorizing the homoeopathic Materia Medica. We can find many symptoms of sepia similar to Sulphur symptoms. This scope of homoeopathic Materia Medica is not found in the other systems of therapeutics. For Ex: The dark cloud of ink of cuttle fish resembles with the mood of sepia, its irritability, depression and indifference. Ex:- ( Vertigo, Diabetes etc), Few Examples for therapeutic type of materia medica are:-. The relationship of Materia Medica to the subjects of Organon and Philosophy, Pharmacy and Repertory also form different chapters in the Introduction. c.To study pure effects of homeopathic drugs from all the sources, books and to interpret the same. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Materia Medica is a vast subject which cannot be memorized but can only be understood. Medicine is applied on the sick individual on the basis of symptoms similarity. Knowing the common features of a particular group narrows down the the field of selection in a given case. – Dr. C. S. Kali, Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Bengali Version 3 Vol.) So considering change at all levels of human being it’s necessary to go for Reproving of Polychrest drug. Sepia Officinalis – Dr Aiswarya. Which clearly shows the fact that the system of Homoeopathy is intensely individualistic. It has problem both at nutrition and absorption level. Most of the pathological records are from clinical proving and also from records of poisoning. Represents the comparative study of drugs having similar pathogenensis. Gelsemium has paralytic catarrhal congestion like Am-c or Zinc. 1. At the time of Dr. Hahnemann the medicinal plant grow in health environment. Ex: Ophidians it is difficult to tell difference between Lachesis, Elaps, Crotalus except for few symptoms though they belong to same origin they do not follow well each other. History: Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Graphical Drug Pictures – Dr. Pulford. This series of six lectures is aimed at providing a basis for the specialist homœopathic practitioner to understand the history and development of Homœopathic Medicine – from Hahnemann’s reproducible observations of individual substance effects to the consequent general similars principle. Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital. After the long practice of 30 years Dr. Hahnemann observed the obstacles to the way of treatment and recovery. 1,865 Views . ii) Homoeopathic psychology – Philip.A.Bailey. v)  Soul of remedies – Rajan Shankaran. Ex: 1.Haemorrhages of dark decomposed blood, Susceptibility of people 200 yrs. Homoeopathic Materia Medica is one of the core subjects in the BHMS curricula and is taught in First, Second, Third and Final BHMS. Title: Confusion to Clarity Author: Molly Punzo Last modified by: mpunzo Created Date: 2/26/2011 8:56:52 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show. Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke. One can develop the personality profile of drugs through the study of rubrics. - Analytical Materia Medica of Nosodes and Bowel Nosodes. This is to be followed by a pursuit of particulars in the same way. Subjective & Objective observed and experienced by himself have been written in this book. A peculiar sensation, course & direction of pain. Met patient who keeps on moving his legs beneath the table. With the different words, a student is able to decipher the inner most character or the essence of the drug. Different approaches of study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica i.e. Because these Remedies are proved at the time of Dr. Hahnemann around 200 years before and during this period lot’s of changes took place. John Henry Clarke (1853 - 1931) was an eminent classical homeopath in England. (950 marks)- Final year . However, the meaning of the word must be adequately understood. Emotional – irresolution G) Picture type/method of materia medica:- (1)  Proving on Healthy Human being – Dr. Hahnemann has obtain sign & symptoms of Homoeopathic medicines by proving them on healthy Human beings. – better not to appoint doctors as Ayush Secretary, Jammu and Kashmir’s first homoeopathic medical college will be materialised soon, Karnataka to upgrade PHC network across the state with Ayush doctors, US President felicitates Indian homoeopathic doctor Bhasker Sharma, Dr Prafull Vijayakar – the legend homoeopath passed away, Last moment revisions in Physiology & Biochemistry, Materia Medica – Last moment revision for competitive exams, Obstetrics & Gynaecology materials for competitive examinations, Medical Officer recruitment for Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital Varanasi, Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Quality Management by NHRC, Side effects of Vaccination & Homoeopathy treatment, Diploma in homoeopathic pharmacy course 2017 at Delhi. The students who are willing to take up this course are admitted if the possess Bachelor of Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery (BHMS). but as the human body itself is too big a chemical factory; the actual signs and symptoms produced by the drugs in the body may be different. One can understand the drug well with the concept of monogram. But it is impossible to keep in one’s head the mass of symptoms as recorded in an encyclopedia of symptoms. Homoeopathic Materia Medica is the collection of knowledge regarding the medicinal properties of the drugs. He also added some new symptoms from poisoning and overdosing available in the prevalent literature in the post Hahnemannian era. Common or uncommon. HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA SYLLABUS Instructions: I. a) Homoeopathic Materia Medica is differently constructed as compared to other Materia Medicas. 3. F) Therapeutic materia medica:– Thus ‘The Materia Medica, Repertory and Organon’ are ‘inter-related and inseparable tools’ forming strong foundation and base for the Homoeopathic system of medicine. 3. The real homoeopathic physician is such a specialist; he makes materia medica and the exemplification of the law his daily study. Nash says there is no other remedy which comes closer to sepia than Sulphur. construction of materia medica and types of materia medica b. The guiding symptoms of our materia mdica (1879 – 1891) Materia Medica of Physiological Action. This method has a limited scope and is mainly for the diseases-oriented prescription. Q. It has very great scope in the field of Materia Medica. 3. All red looking plants or red extracts act well on blood. Though Nux Vomica and Ignatia come from same order of plant loganiaceas having botanical similarity but they differ from each other symptomatically and they do not follow well each other and they do not antidote each other. 9. Organon of Medicine and Principles of Homoeopathic Philosophy: 4: Homoeopathic Materia Medica: 5: Surgery including ENT, Eye Dental, and Homoeo therapeutics. 3)  All red looking plants & red extracts of plants act on blood. John Henry Clarke. Head.–Absent-minded, anxious, indolent, timid. ... Homeopathy Medicine in Hyderabad 6 sep 17, - Homeopathic preparations are referred to as "homeopathics" or "remedies". Drugs impinge in their resemblance and separate in their difference. Scope and limitations of homoeopathic materia medica  A few examples of Doctrine of signature are as follows: Different types of materia medica Blatta Orientalis in asthma. When you see a case, immediately the picture of the drug is awakened in your mind. Proving on healthy human beings:  We can obtain signs and symptoms of homoeopathic medicines by proving them on healthy human beings. 2.Environmental changes:       Environmental at the time of Dr. Hahnemann and the present condition of environment is totally change. Strange, rare & peculiar symptoms – Among mentals, generals and particulars. Melanine has very high content of Sulphur and Calcium salt. WELCOME HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES AND IMMUNITY We get sick not just because of micro organisms. Q. They have narrated all the provings stating the symptoms in the order of their occurrence. The provings done by Dr. Hahnemann were verified by Dr. T. F. Allen. Hahnemann represented each drug under 57 chapters from Head to Foot. Keynotes on leading remedies of materia medica – H.C.Allen. No mind can memorize all the symptoms of all the drugs with characteristics and gradations. Without clearly knowing the pathogenesis, drug substance and it’s effects on healthy human beings, it is not rational to apply it on human being for curative purpose. If the environment is affected it also affect on Human Health. 6. In a search for golden threads running throughout several different methods of study, let us try to list those most generally used. Of course the personality of the teachers enters in largely to help impress characteristics of remedies on the student’s mid. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, Copyright @ Homeobook 2012. He researched into new remedies, was editor of the The Homeopathic World and published many books. This is present in a few drugs and by studying it we can study the pathogenesis and symptomatology of those drugs to a certain extent. The drug indications are given under the headings of different diseases. Trinity of homoeopathic system of medicine – “The materia medica, repertory and organon”. 2.Proving on healthy animals: By proving homoeopathic drugs on healthy animals we can get few objective symptoms upto some extent. However, for such a study the author picks up only those rubrics that fit into his limited scope. From the time of discovery of Homoeopathy, till today Homoeopathic materia medica has been viewed and represented by various scholars in different ways. This is the real and most scientific way of getting signs and symptoms of the medicine. 1.Unmodified Materia Medica : The one in which the symptoms are represented directly in the form & order as expressed by the prover. Practitioners rely on two types of reference when prescribing: materia medica and repertories, Homeopathic preparations are referred to as "homeopathics" or "remedies". For example, a continuous fever such as in enteric fever is covered by Bryonia, Baptisia etc. Dr. Hahnemann’s masterpiece ‘The Materia Medica, Repertory and Organon’ is boon to the Homoeopathic system of Medicine. Doctrine of signature is one of the source of Materia Medica Pura. Developmental history of homoeopathy. Hahnemann assembled the first homeopathic materia Medica, based on research conducted in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In the year 1883 the British society has organized a meeting to revise and represent the existing material. Latter on symptoms other than found during proving were also incorporated. Bryonia, Chelidonium and Lycopodium have their action on liver. Thanks a lot for posting here. b) Organ level – Many remedies have action over the same organ e.g. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. 6. In view of increasing number of proved drugs and clinical symptoms, various types of materia medica have emerged. Blandness – Physical – thick skinned, calloused, lack of sensitivity to any stimulus. The altered symptomatology is purely functional. 2. Empirical source: It is traditional source. Study the construction of HMM with reference to arrangement of symptoms of the drug. Repertory is an aid to Materia Medica. By this way we can record the same in a systematic way. a)  Phosphorus patient shakes his hands while entering and leaving the clinic, specially while leaving he often clasps both his hands between yours conveying his warmth and regard for you. E.g. Ex:- i) Essence of materia medica – G.Vithoulkas ii)  Select your remedy – R.B.Bishamber das. Limitations of Materia Medica Anatomical Study 26 talking about this. In stock. Remedy relationship study c) Must be covered in every stage of fever – Nux vomica. In this type we can study a particular drug from various angle at a time. Q.1. An appeal: If any of you have PowerPoint presentations please mail to Dr. Hughes does not agree with Hahnemann’s schematic methods & in writing his Materia Medica comments.