в 15 т. т.15. Man is a creature that can get accustomed to anything, and I think that is the best definition of him. в 15 т. т.15. Дрезден", "Ф.М.Достоевский. соч. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. M. M. Достоевскому. Женева", "Ф.М.Достоевский. His works, thoughts, writings, books, novels, essays and stories are widely read both within and beyond his native Russia. С. А. Юрьеву. M. M. Достоевскому. Начало июля 1879. соч. Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic. He spoke as a Russian Orthodox believer excoriating liberal society for its smallness and lack of faith. 29. Письма. Вс. С. А. Ивановой. соч. Собр. соч. Собр. 10 февраля 1873. 91. соч. Some of them were written for different journals or almanacs. Флоренция", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Н. А. Любимову. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. is an underground criminal organization run by Ōgai Mori, based in Yokohama, Japan. М. М. Достоевскому. в 15 т. т.15. M. M. Достоевскому. Письма. Письма. 13 апреля 1856. Собр. 106. If God does not exist, then everything is permissible. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. 240. в 15 т. т.15. 18 июля 1849. соч. 3 мая 1860. А. Н. Майкову. в 15 т. т.15. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. The death of a child is the greatest reason to doubt the existence of God. соч. Люблино", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 157. в 15 т. т.15. The English titles of the following list of works are extracted from Kenneth Lantz's two-volume translations. 131. Love all God’s creation, both the whole and every grain of sand. Собр. соч. There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it. 219. в 15 т. т.15. To be in love is not the same as loving. 19 ноября 1863. A Theme under the Name "Imperator" (, This page was last edited on 5 April 2021, at 10:03. Собр. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Семипалатинск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. соч. Собр. 152. 1 октября 1859. соч. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. His mother's subscription to the Library of Reading gave him access to the leading contemporary Russian and non-Russian literature. соч. в 15 т. т.15. 26 октября (7 ноября) 1868. в 15 т. т.15. 16 апреля 1878. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Неустановленному лицу. Собр. 7 (19) августа 1879. в 15 т. т.15. 146. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. А. Г. Достоевской. соч. в 15 т. т.15. соч. To go wrong in one's own way is better then to go right in someone else's. Письма. Письма. 65. Собр. One can know a man from his laugh, and if you like a man's laugh before you know anything of him, you may confidently say that he is a good man. The more you succeed in loving, the more you'll be convinced at the existence of God and the immortality of your soul. Собр. 218. соч. Собр. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. соч. в 15 т. т.15. Собр. 20. в 15 т. т.15. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man. One must love life before loving its meaning ... yes, and when the love of life disappears, no meaning can console us. Vissarion Belinsky, Alexander Herzen and others praised Poor Folk's depiction of poverty, and Belinsky called it Russia's "first social novel". Собр. С. А. Ивановой. H. H. Страхову. в 15 т. т.15. А. Н. Майкову. Письма. 161. 11 августа 1880. Письма. 181. Тверь", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. Н. А. Некрасову. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. соч. 11 июля 1878. Paradise is hidden in each one of use, it is concealed within me too, right now, and if I wish, it will come for me in reality, tomorrow even, and for the rest of my life. соч. Бесы", "A raw youth : Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821–1881 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive", "Г.Я. 51. 63. соч. соч. С. Соловьеву. соч. в 15 т. т.15. Н. Н. Страхову. соч. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Февраль 1874. Письма. M. H. Каткову. Письма. Собр. Собр. Письма. Собр. 9 августа 1838. Собр. Several drafts and plans, especially those begun during his honeymoon, were unfinished at his death. И. С. Тургеневу. Собр. 29 сентября (11 октября) 1867. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. Дрезден", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Н. А. Любимову. 14 сентября 1849. соч. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. соч. H. H. Страхову. 134. Париж", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. 31 декабря 1867 (12 января 1868). 127. Дрезден", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Complete works of Fjodor Dostojevskij as PDF-files. А. Г. Достоевской. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. 2 ноября 1866. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth? в 15 т. т.15. А. Н. Островскому. Men like to to count their troubles; few calculate their happiness. 225. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. 187. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 20 октября 1874. 5 апреля 1864. 81. Письма. From a hundred rabbits you can't make a horse. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. Гомбург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. соч. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 126. соч. Письма. Письма. 142. 26 ноября 1846. Nature doesn't ask your permission; it doesn't care about your wishes, or whether you like its laws or not. If one wanted to crush and destroy a man entirely, to mete out to him the most terrible punishment, all one would have to do would be to make him do work that was completely and utterly devoid of usefulness and meaning. We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken. И. С. Тургеневу. The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. соч. Собр. 6 (18) октября 1863. Because of his participation in the Petrashevsky Circle, in which he distributed and read several Belinsky articles deemed as anti-religious and anti-government,[5] he and other members were sentenced to capital punishment. Собр. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. А. Г. Достоевской. в 15 т. т.15. H. H. Страхову. соч. Собр. Their lives are motivated only by mutual envy, sensuality, and ostentation. А. Н. Майкову. Собр. Собр. H. H. Страхову. Собр. Комментарии: Ф.М.Достоевский. соч. Письма. Женева", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. 172. 14. Собр. 11. соч. в 15 т. т.15. Собр. соч. в 15 т. т.15. соч. Собр. Собр. Собр. Beggars, especially noble beggars, should never show themselves in the street; they should ask for alms through the newspapers. 11 (23) декабря 1868. M. M. Достоевскому. соч. соч. соч. Собр. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. I want to suffer and be purified by suffering! 72. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Bratia Karamazovy = The Karamazov brothers, Fyodor Dostoevsky Abstract: The Brothers Karamazov is a passionate philosophical novel set in 19th century of Russia that enters deeply into the ethical debates of God, free will, and morality. Петропавловская крепость", "Ф.М.Достоевский. М. М. Достоевскому. соч. M. M. Достоевскому. 23 апреля (5 мая) 1867. Собр. Письма. M. M. Достоевскому. 153. А. Н. Майкову. What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Собр. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. 78. 2 (14) апреля 1878. Философовой. The initial 1873 works were published in The Citizen, the editor of which was Dostoyevsky, and from 1876 – 1877 the Diary was self-published. The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness. Письма. By interpreting freedom as the propagation and immediate gratification of needs, people distort their own nature, for they engender in themselves a multitude of pointless and foolish desires, habits, and incongruous stratagems. Собр. 174. Письма. 136. Письма. Собр. Люблино", "Ф.М.Достоевский. А. Н. Майкову. Письма. Nothing is more seductive for a man than his freedom of conscience, but nothing is a greater cause of suffering. в 15 т. т.15. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Ч. Ч. Валиханову. Such grief does not desire consolation. Project Gutenberg's Notes from the Underground, by Feodor Dostoevsky This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. 11 марта 1877. 144. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 68. соч. в 15 т. т.15. 19 апреля 1865. в 15 т. т.15. 185. 37. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Письма. Письма. Love in dreams thirsts for immediate action, quickly performed, and with everyone watching. Собр. М. А. Достоевскому. M. M. Достоевскому. Собр. 18. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. 5—10 мая 1839. 46. Д. В. Аверкиеву. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. 24 марта 1878. соч. в 15 т. т.15. 173. Письма. Письма. M. M. Достоевскому. 24 марта 1845. Семипалатинск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. Июль—август 1844. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. Собр. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. M. H. Каткову. Between 1838 and 1843 he studied at the St Petersburg Engineering Academy, from whence he graduated as a military engineer, but he resigned in 1844 to devote himself to writing. соч. A Writer's Diary is a collection mainly of essays and articles, which also include, for example, answers to readers, introductions, etc., making the Diaries a journal-like book written and mostly edited by Dostoyevsky. Письма. Translated by Constance Garnett. Письма. Собр. Собр. соч. Собр. Dostoyevsky's renewed financial troubles led him to join several political circles. 27 августа 1849. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 128. Письма. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. 6. в 15 т. т.15. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. А. Г. Достоевской. 4 июня 1855. соч. Письма. Собр. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. соч. соч. 73. соч. Семипалатинск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. H. H. Страхову. 6 (18 мая) 1867. в 15 т. т.15. А. П. Милюкову. соч. в 15 т. т.15. М. Д. Исаевой. соч. Н. А. Любимову. Д. В. Аверкиеву. А. Н. Майкову. 16 августа 1839. Письма. Let us not forget that the reasons for human actions are usually incalculably more complex and diverse than we tend to explain them later, and are seldom clearly manifest. соч. в 15 т. т.15. Собр. 13 (25) мая 1867. П. Е. Анненковой. [4] This success did not continue with his second novel, The Double, and other short stories published mainly in left-wing magazines. М. А. Достоевскому. Преступление и наказание", "Е. И. Кийко. Письма. соч. 23 марта (4 апреля) 1868. 193. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. Собр. соч. в 15 т. т.15. 220. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. 66. 100. Письма. Собр. Письма. 12 (24) июня 1874. 171. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. Письма. соч. В. Ф. Пуцыковичу. Собр. M. M. Достоевскому. 10 ноября 1878. соч. Собр. Following their closures, most of his works were issued in the conservative The Russian Messenger until the introduction of A Writer's Diary, which comprised most of his works—including essays and articles. Fyodor Dostoevsky bibliography. В. П. Мещерскому. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. If you were to destroy the belief in immortality in mankind, not only love but every living force on which the continuation of all life in the world depended, would dry up at once. Веве", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 1876. соч. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. Комментарии: Ф. М. Достоевский. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. My soul bleeds and the blood steadily, silently, disturbingly slowly, swallows me whole. Письма. 239. 7 сентября 1844. For then your ability to perceive the truth will grow every day, and your mind will open itself to an all-embracing love. Я. П. Полонскому. Письма. соч. А. Г. Достоевской. соч. А. Н. Майкову. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. Письма. Старая Русса", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. соч. Author(s): Dostoevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881) Publisher: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Grand Rapids, MI Description: Many consider Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground the first e xistentialist no vel. в 15 т. т.15. соч. А. Н. Майкову. 30 июля 1854. Dostoyevsky started his writing career after finishing university. Собр. Фантастический рассказ", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 17 июля 1880. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. соч. в 15 т. т.15. в 15 т. т.15. соч. Письма. Письма. Lamentations comfort only by lacerating the heart still more. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 105. А. Г. Достоевской. Письма. соч. M. M. Достоевскому. Perhaps I really regard myself as an intelligent man only because throughout my entire life I've never been able to start or finish anything. 10—15 июля 1866. 9 февраля 1875. 4. Собр. The more incompetent one feels, the more eager he is to fight. Realists do not fear the results of their study. Письма. 60. соч. Собр. Письма. Собр. 1 июня 1880. M. M. Достоевскому. 8 ноября 1865. в 15 т. т.15. Январь—февраль 1847. 74. 55. Собр. С. Д. Яновскому. Письма. 19. Письма. соч. Собр. А. Е. Врангелю. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 137. M. M. Достоевскому. 35. 29 июля 1864. в 15 т. т.15. Письма. 12 февраля 1875. Собр. Тверь", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. 23 декабря 1863. Собр. Письма. Power is given only to those who dare to lower themselves and pick it up. Собр. Raised by a literate family, Dostoyevsky discovered literature at an early age, beginning when his mother introduced the Bible to him. в 15 т. т.15. соч. Собр. Собр. 7. 15 (27) сентября 1867. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Even up to the end of his reign, old age did nothing to curb his lust for pretty young girls. А. Г. Достоевской. Семипалатинск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. соч. С. А. Толстой. 24 августа 1861. соч. Письма. 26 февраля (10 марта) 1869. Письма. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Дрезден", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Семипалатинск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Саксон ле Бэн", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 123. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. But men love abstract reasoning and neat systematization so much that they think nothing of distorting the truth, closing their eyes and ears to contrary evidence to preserve their logical constructions. в 15 т. т.15. 8 июня 1865. в 15 т. т.15. А. П. Сусловой. 178. в 15 т. т.15. Собр. Женева", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 5 ноября 1876. Собр. А. И. Шуберт. M. M. Достоевскому. соч. соч. These magazines included Notes of the Fatherland and The Contemporary. His extensive explanations in opposition to the transposition of his works into other media were groundbreaking in fidelity criticism. соч. Семипалатинск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Омск", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Письма. I don't need money, or, better, it's not money that I need; it's not even power; I need only what is obtained by power and simply cannot be obtained without power: the solitary and calm awareness of strength! The more I detest men individually the more ardent becomes my love for humanity. в 15 т. т.15. 189. Письма. в 15 т. т.15. 10 августа 1880. Висбаден", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. соч. 15 июня 1879. в 15 т. т.15. The bibliography of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 – 1881) comprises novels, novellas, short stories, essays and other literary works. в 15 т. т.15. Москва", "Ф.М.Достоевский. в 15 т. т.15. соч. Слабое сердце", "Е. И. Кийко. 21 декабря 1856. Петербург", "Ф.М.Достоевский. 18 (30) мая 1871. 30 сентября 1844. 5 июня 1880. Письма. Собр. Письма. Письма. М. Ф. Достоевской. Following his release, Dostoyevsky read a myriad of literature and gradually became interested in nationalistic and conservative philosophies and increasingly sceptical towards contemporary movements—especially the Nihilists. Веве", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. Собр. 209. Письма. Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it. 38. 80. Письма. Собр. 5 сентября 1846. 228. Письма. Эмс", "Ф.М.Достоевский. Собр. 190.