A script not always necessary (commedia d'ell art and improvisation both use a scenario-- a set of characters, situations, or relationships, ). Fascinated with staging the complexities of female sexuality, Caryl Churchill has been penning award-winning productions since her debut as a student playwright in 1958 – catapulting her career into view with the acclaimed Downside.From 1974–5, Churchill was Resident Dramatist at the Royal Court, and from here was involved with theatrical groups Monstrous Regiment and Joint Stock … In the theatre world, more and more women playwrights (Sarah Ruehl, Amy Herzog, Lynn Nottage) have entered the scene, which has helped tremendously in giving audiences true-to-life female characters. It was not uncommon for an actor in a Commedia dell’Arte troupe to play the same stock character for most of his or her career. Throughout Europe the middle class took over the theatres and effected changes in repertoire, style, and decorum. Theatre - Theatre - The evolution of modern theatrical production: Underlying the theatrical developments of the 19th century, and in many cases inspiring them, were the social upheavals that followed the French Revolution. From Wikipedia’s The List of Stock Characters, The Big Bold List of 52 Character Archetypes, to TV Tropes’s Archetypal Characters and well beyond, here are 99 of our favorite tropes, archetypes, and stock characters that screenwriters can use to mold their cast of characters into something a bit more than what we’ve seen before. If you haven't discovered them yet, our Books Editor has set you up for some incredibly memorable reads. but even without a written script -- uses elements of human behavior, but at the minimum is an "idea" of place, situation, character, image, or conflict, etc. In his book, How to Write Groundhog Day, the man who wrote the legendary movie shares the story behind the film and his secrets for aspiring screenwriters. ScreenCraft is a screenwriting consultancy and competition platform dedicated to helping screenwriters and filmmakers succeed. Even when a playwright’s characters are detailed and well-drawn, there’s much more to communicating a role than what’s to be found in the text alone. The stock character does almost nothing to affect the main characters and can be easily replaced with a new character. In a fair world, these critically acclaimed authors would be rocking the bestseller list. “In Aristotle’s day, playwrights used a prologue, delivered by the chorus, which introduced the main characters and story.” [9] In discussing the middle, she refers to Aristotle’s identification of the complication and describes his concepts of reversal, recognition and pathos. The Commedia dell' Arte employs basic stock characters, fictional people who are amusing, predictable, and two-dimensional. Here, his Top 10 rules for writers.